Minister's Message


Greetings from the Minister -

What is Prayer folk often ask?

My answer is simple… God loves spending time with you. Don't overcomplicate it. God's there and is a perfect companion.

Prayer is a conversation with God that involves both listening and speaking. It’s about acknowledging that God is present with us every day in the simplest things and that God promises to travel with us through all the mess and muck of life with its joys and sorrows.

Praying is a bit like breathing: like the air around you, every second of every day you are in God’s presence. It is also good to make specific space in your day when you focus on praying. You can share what’s on your heart, pray for others, and listen to God.

St Paul says:

Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18

And Jesus told us and showed us that God loves us more deeply than we can ever imagine. He said:

“Aren’t five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one sparrow is forgotten by God. Even the hairs of your head have all been counted.

So do not be afraid; Luke 12:6-7

You are worth much more than many sparrows!

So how do I Pray?

The wonderful thing is that we can pray in so many ways. You can sit in silence, calming your mind and heart and seeking to be open to God’s presence. It often helps to focus on your breathing and as you breath in and out to say to yourself something simple like: [IN] ‘God is here’ – [OUT] ‘God loves me.’

You can praise God, say sorry to God, give thanks to God and talk to God about your life and you can pray for others. It’s not about the right words, it’s about being in relationship with God. Below is a prayer for this month written by a Methodist Local Preacher…

May God bless you all – Rev Alan

A Prayer for your Day

by Catherine James, local preacher, Derby Circuit

Lord God, as we come to you in the bright dawn of a new day,

you warm us with your love; we worship you.

As we turn to you in the busyness and

beauty of the day, you are beside us; we praise you.

As we draw close to you in the quiet times of our lives,

you are near to us in the stillness; we find our peace in you.

As we come to you at the ending of the day,

your light still shines in the darkness; and we rest in you. Amen.