
We have a vibrant section for young people here at Providence.

Each Sunday morning, the JClub has its own time of worship, after first joining with the main Church for opening worship.

We usually begin in song and prayer, before having a game or a story. After that, we go to our groups for Bible study, or to prepare for a forthcoming service. And we always have a drink and a biscuit! After the groups, we all come together for our closing prayers. By this time, the main Church Service has normally finished, and we all come together for our closing devotions.

J Club comprises Little Js, Big Js and J2Go.

Little Js

Little Js are the youngest members of our Church, and normally the loudest! We don't mind, as the Bible says in Psalm 100 "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!" We sing songs, read Bible stories and do lots of fun crafts to help us explore God's amazing love for us.

Big Js

In Big Js, we look at the impact of God in everyday life in a fun, modern way of worship. We do lots of games, crafts and activities to challenge what we know about Jesus.


J2Go are a group of teenagers (and those that still want to be!), who meet every Sunday Morning to have fun, discuss important issues and talk about how their faith impacts their daily lives. Everyone is welcome, everyone's opinion is valid and not one person always has the right answers or the right opinion. The group hopes to be a bit radical and certainly not naff! J2Go wants to challenge everyone to look again at their faith, and think about how we can show the love of Jesus in a relevant and modern way. J2Go support one another, have fun and fellowship together, pray together and love to meet new people.

Come along to JClub every Sunday morning - every week is different and everyone is welcome!

"Run if you can run, walk if you can walk, crawl if you can crawl, just keep moving forwards with God" - Martin Luther King Jr